Amitabha Chanting for Liberating the Deceased and Benefiting Beings (Qing Ming) – 各位善信大德
In light of the coronavirus outbreak, to protect the well-being and safety of everyone, Palpung Thubten Chöling Monastery is temporarily closed to the public.
The sangha of PTC will still be making prayers and offerings for our parents, ancestors, and the deceased through a special recitation of the Amitabha sadhana with tsok offerings and aspiration prayers for the well being of ourselves and all other beings, especially those to whom we dedicate the practice by name, both living and deceased.
The practice entitled ‘Jangchok’ will be included within the chanting of the Amitabha sadhana. Jangchok is done for the benefit of the recently deceased to achieve liberation. For persons who may have passed away a long time ago the Jangchok practice will still bring great blessings to the deceased and create the causes and conditions for the liberation of the person. For the living, it is said that once their karmic debtors are liberated through this practice, the person will have less obstacles. For all beings, this practice will help to create favorable conditions and enhance their well-being.
During the chanting Lama Tsering Dakpa will bless and burn all the names of the deceased to symbolize purification of their defilements, obscurities and negative karma by the fire of wisdom, ripening their merit to be reborn in Amitabha’s pureland of Dewachen. Also included will be a dedication of merit to all sponsors and their designated names for blessing.
Please note: There will be two sessions: 10:0am and 2:00pm. Both are being offered on Zoom. If you would like to participate please email Lama Lhadrun.
You may donate any amount and provide us with the names for dedication (both living and deceased). To make these dedications, download the Amitabha Sadhana Dedication Form in Chinese and English.
因冠狀病毒疫情, 法林寺暫停對外開放; 但本寺日常法會,包括清明法會仍繼續舉行。法會將通過Zoom直播。房間號碼等,请電郵 獲取。請各位繼續發心護持,使出家人在宏法利生之時, 道糧不乏而後顧無憂.
在修阿彌陀佛天法時, 將加修消災除障法“將除”. 此法加持力巨大,迅速救度最近或已過世很久的祖先亡者。同時為功德主及生者名單加持、超度怨親債主、祈福消災、祛除惡業身心疾病、障礙逆緣。在法會中, 喇嘛慈寧將焚燒亡者名單,象徵以智慧之火,祛除亡者惡業障礙逆緣,圓滿福報而往生阿彌陀佛淨土。而且囘向功德給施主及加持名單。