Matching Challenge 2022
Supporting the Dharma and the Mission of the Monastery
We are very happy to announce that the matching challenge has been fulfilled!
Since the Matching Challenge began in mid-October, many of our sangha members and friends have generously donated to help us reach our goal in support of the monastery’s programs and repairs. A donor has now come forward to offer the remaining amount of the challenge, bringing us to our goal of $100,000! Thank you all for your timely and generous response to our request this year. We pray for genuine peace and prosperity in the coming year, and health and happiness for all.
自 從10 月中旬配捐活動開始,許多佛友都慷慨解囊,幫助本寺實現宏揚佛法護持寺院的目標。 一位大德現已承包達標所需的剩餘金額,致使十萬美元的目標立即圓滿! 感謝大家一直以來及時和慷慨地回應本寺的需求。本寺將為來年真正的和平繁榮,以及所有衆生的健康與幸福祈禱。