Join the Million Mani Club!

The Million Mani Club Archive

Million Mani Challenge History

Our very first Million Mani Challenge began in December 2012, and in just a few weeks, we accumulated over 5 million manis dedicated to the long life and good health of our teachers. Though we held more mani challenges over the years, we did not begin keeping records of our totals until 2022. Here’s what we’ve accumulated as a group since then, with the aspiration to free all beings from suffering and bring peace to the world:

2022 Saga Dawa: 1,237,554 (more than 50 participants)
2023 Losar: 1,446,394 (more than 40 participants)
Saga Dawa: 940,197 (more than 40 participants, including several groups)
Lhabab Duchen: 1,024,565 (more than 40 participants)
2023 Grand total: 3,409,656

Million Mani Club Members Share Their Thoughts and Aspirations

In 2023 we also began asking new Million Mani Club members about their motivations, aspirations, and reflections on reciting manis. If you’d like to contribute yours, please contact us at We’ll feature it on the main page for a month or two and then archive it here for future readers.

August 2023: Congratulations to longtime PTC sangha member Dan Gussin of New York City, who reached a million manis on August 14. Welcome to the club, Dan!

We asked Dan to share his thoughts on how he feels mani recitation benefits him, and how he incorporates it into his life. He responded, “My formal practice includes Chenrezig on a regular basis and helps stabilize my mind as I progress through the text in a more structured way. It has also been interesting to see how reciting manis throughout the day can both help focus the rest of my practice and help relax my mind to deal with whatever is going on in the moment. As I go about my day, there are many opportunities to recite manis. Walking to the bus stop, the ride to and from work, shopping, and softly reciting at my desk while doing paperwork immediately come to mind. This gently allows my mind to remain more flexible and compassionate as I encounter the stress we all feel on a regular basis. It almost seems I don’t need to reach as far to engage in the six perfections and to be less upset with myself when my mind wanders off into fear or anger.”

In Memoriam, December 2023: In observance of the first anniversary of his death from cancer, we would like to recognize longtime sangha member Eric Swanson of New York City, who was a familiar and lively presence at Palpung Thubten Choling for several decades. Eric participated in our early million mani challenges beginning in 2012, and he had reached over 900,000 before his mani counting got lost in the fray of daily life for several years. Toward the end of his final illness, Eric decided to start counting again, and he reached a million just a couple of months before he died. He said mani recitation was very meaningful to him during this time. May his example inspire all of us to practice dharma however we can, whenever we can, however much or little time we may have left, and to never think it’s too late.

January 2024: During a span of less than three months, Sonam Wangmo of New York accumulated her first three million manis, beginning with our Lhabab Duchen Challenge in November 2023 and reaching her third million in January 2024.

After the first million, we asked what had motivated her to recite so many manis in such a short time. She responded, “With all that’s going on in the world and in so many lives, it seemed like a good time to sow some love and compassion. I’ve decided to keep it up a while longer.”

We checked in again after she completed her second million at the end of the year, and she said, “2023 was a dark and distressing year for me. Whenever I poked my head outside and looked around, I realized that many more people were facing horrific issues of life and death: wildfires, earthquakes, floods, wars, genocide, disease, starvation. When the monastery announced a Mani Challenge in November, I took it as an opportunity to do whatever I could to help as many others as possible, given my own individual obstacles. I made a commitment to practicing Chenrezig and to meditation through mani recitation, as many as I can for as long as I can. I have no plans to meet numbers or times. I’m okay to simply practice.”

After completing her third million manis in January 2024, Sonam Wangmo continues to be one of the most prolific contributors to our Million Mani Challenges. We look forward to recording her fourth million on the Million Mani Club Members page soon!

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