Lama Depa, a resident of PTC who has completed two cycles of the three-year retreat, will continue to share the inspiring stories and songs of the four close female disciples of the great yogi and lineage holder, Jetsun Milarepa. In this session we will begin to study the story of Rechungma, titled “Challenge From a Clever Maiden”
This session is being offered in person and on Zoom. If you would like to participate remotely, please use our online event registration form.
There is no charge for attending this teaching – donations are welcome.
Please do not visit the monastery if you feel unwell and/or have a fever.
We urge all program participants to take precautions against the ongoing risk of COVID through wearing masks and washing hands.
Masks and hand sanitizer will be available at all entryways.
Many thanks to all of you for your support in keeping this event as safe as possible!