November 10 – 24, 2020
In light of the coronavirus outbreak, to protect the well-being and safety of everyone, Palpung Thubten Chöling Monastery remains closed to the public.
The resident sangha of PTC will be participating in a variety of chanting events to dispel obstacles and bring about auspicious conditions. The dates are listed below.
Nov 10, Tuesday | Gya Shi, “The Practice of the Four Hundred Offerings”
Gya Shi is a practice involving four hundred offerings which is done as a means to purify obstacles created by the 4 maras (mental afflictions; attachment to happiness; clinging to the 5 skandhas; death). The four hundred offerings are described in the practice text below:
- Namo!
- The vast offerings of Gya Shi are dedicated to the accumulation of merit and wisdom.
- Through the blessings of offering 100 tsa-tsa, may all beings engage in the 10 virtues and give up the 10 non-virtues.
- Through the merit of offering 100 butterlamps, may all beings clear away the darkness of ignorance so that the 5 wisdoms may be realized.
- Through the merit of offering 100 tormas, may all beings be free from famine.
- Through the merit of offering 100 chambu (effigies), may all beings purify all karmic debt which makes harmful hindrances.
- Though the blessing of reciting the profound sutras, may all beings always turn the wheel of dharma. Through the roots of virtue of offering 400, may myself and all patrons and their loved ones repay all karmic debts. May we perfect the two accumulations and attain the precious level of unsurpassable enlightenment.
Nov 11, Wednesday | Sherab Nyingpo, a practice based on the Heart Sutra

Sherab Nyingpo is an obstacle averting practice that dispels unfavorable circumstances and prompts good conditions. The Heart Sutra is recited repeatedly as a means to purify obstacles created by the 4 maras (mental afflictions; attachment to happiness; clinging to the 5 skandhas; death). The practice invokes the blessings of Prajnaparamita, the Mother of all Buddhas.
Nov 21 – 23, Saturday – Monday | Drolma Yuldok, a practice based on the 21 Taras

This is a three-day practice to remove obstacles and bring auspicious conditions.
You may view this practice remotely on Zoom. If you would like to participate please email Lama Lhadrun.
Nov 23, Monday (following Drolma Yuldok chanting) | Sür, Evening Fire Offering Ceremony
Sür (evening fire offering ceremony) is an offering to the 4 guests: the Buddhas & Bodhisattvas; Protectors; sentient beings; and those with whom we have karmic debts. It averts obstacles and sickness and is dedicated to those who are dying, beings in the Bardo, and to beings with whom we have karmic debts.
Nov 24, Tuesday | Sang, Morning Fire Offering Ceremony
Sang is a special morning purification fire ceremony. It is an offering to all worldly gods and the 4 guests: Buddhas & Bodhisattvas; Protectors; sentient beings; and those with whom we have karmic debts. This practice pacifies war, encourages peace and averts sickness. It also creates merit and concludes the year-end chanting by purifying any remaining obstacles.
For those who wish to sponsor the chanting, donations can be made towards meals, fire offering ceremonies, or the tea served during the chanting. General contributions towards these special practices are also welcome. Be sure to include a prayer with your donation which will be read aloud to the assembly.
You may make your donations on-line or simply mail your tax-deductible contribution to:
Palpung Thubten Chöling
Attn: Office
245 Sheafe Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590.
Please make checks payable to Palpung Thubten Choling or PTC. For credit card payments, fax your credit card number (VISA or MasterCard only), along with the expiration date and signature and the amount you would like to charge to (845) 297-5761. For your protection, please do not email your credit card information.
As we are not able to check email during chanting events, please send your prayer request and sponsorship information 48 hours before the first day of chanting to guarantee that we receive it in time to announce your prayer. If you are not able to do that, please leave a short but clear message of your prayer on 845-297-2500 and we will do our best to have your prayer announced.