Sponsored Offerings

Sponsored Offerings at Palpung Thubten Choling

There are many ways to make tax-deductible donations to Palpung Thubten Choling in order to benefit beings and accumulate merit. Select the type of donation(s) you would like to make from the options below, add the offerings of your choice to your cart, and pay via Paypal or credit card. If you prefer us to directly charge your credit card for either a one-time or an ongoing monthly donation, download the printable credit card form and mail or fax it to us.

Sponsoring offerings at a Buddhist monastery is a traditional means of accumulating merit and purifying obstacles. Those who sponsor monastery activities also become active participants in maintaining sacred traditions that date back to the time of Buddha Shakyamuni, and in the preservation of those traditions for the benefit of present and future generations.

When making offerings, it is customary to include a prayer request, which may be entered into the form on each donation page.

We greatly appreciate your support!


Offering food to the community of monks and nuns is a traditional way of accumulating merit and dispelling obstacles. In addition to donations toward meals, food offerings of any kind are always welcome.


Tea and refreshments are very much appreciated during long sessions of chanting, and while they are being offered to the assembly, sponsors’ prayer requests are read aloud.


An extraordinarily powerful means to purify spiritual and material obstacles, fire ceremonies also accumulate merit, thus creating momentum to help us progress on the path of liberation for the benefit of all beings.


Special assemblies held monthly on designated days of the Tibetan lunar calendar, feast offerings (tsoks) consist of traditional practices chanted in Tibetan, accompanied by the offering of consecrated food.


Every week during the warm months, Palpung Thubten Choling monastics and lay sangha engage in the traditional practice of liberating fish. This practice is a cause for good health and long life.


According to Buddhist custom, after passing from this life, a person spends 49 days in the bardo, the transitional interval before rebirth into their next life. Sur fire offerings are made daily during this 49-day period.

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