
Teachings on Gampopa’s A Precious Garland of the Supreme Path – CANCELLED

Lama Norgyal will be teaching on and leading the sangha in the chanting of Calling the Lama from Afar. Written by the great master Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye, this text is a powerful [...]


Study Group on the Ornament of Precious Liberation

This class will be facilitated by Lamas Depa and Lhadrun. Our primary source, Ornament of Precious Liberation, by the great master of the Kagyu lineage, Lord Gampopa, is considered a […]


Study Group on the Ornament of Precious Liberation

Due to the risks of covid and its variants, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night classes will continue on Zoom only. To join us via Zoom please click here. This class […]